Nuestros Proyectos

Outline of the main Andean ROAD projects.

FUERZA DE TRABAJO 2 (Educación astronómica para niños y escuelas):

  1. Continuación de Programas GTTP y NASE - Formación y capacitación para Docentes en Astronomía.
  2. UNAWE - Desarrollo y fortalecimiento de materiales y demás recursos didácticos dirigios a niños y jóvenes para el estudio de la Astronomía.
  3. Olimpiadas de Astronomía - dirigidas a estudiantes de los últimos grados de educación secundaria.  
  4. Maratones familiares de Astronomía - Niños, jóvenes y adultos participando en campamentos y concursos.
  5. Divulgación astronómica orientada a invidentes y sordos -  aficionados a la astronomía con "discapacidades".
  6. Actividades vinculadas con la Etnoastronomía y Arqueoastronomía - recuperación de tradiciones de culturas indígenas y sus métodos para la observación del cielo.

FUERZA DE TRABAJO 3 (Divulgación astronómica para el público general):

  1. 1er Encuentro del Nodo Regional Andino de Astronomía 2014 en Colombia
  2. Communicating Astronomy for the Public - CAP2015 (En colaboración con la Unión Astronómica Internacional).
  3. Encuentro Regional Andino de Astronomía en Isla de Pascua - Chile 2015 (En colaboración con la Comunidad Astronómica Aficionada Chilena CAACH).

Task Force 2 (Astronomy for Children and Schools)

Teaching Astronomy in Schools
  • Creation of astronomy groups and clubs  in primary  and secondary schools, replicating examples of projects already working in Colombia  working together with Regional and Education Secretaries . Such groups would be part of a network of students  interested in astronomy, astronautics and space sciences.
  • Continuous participation in  global projects such as  CERES S´COOL , and Rocks around the world. 

Teacher Training Programs
Galileo Teacher Training Projects (GTTP) and Network for Astronomy School Education (NASE), to strengthen teacher training to teach astronomy, gathering previous experiences obtained from GTTP courses in Medellín (2009 - 2013) and NASE program in Barranquilla, Bogotá and Medellín. Local astronomers and experts from the Regional Node are invited to expand the network to other cities in other countries. Both programs will receive pedagogical support and qualification from Universities and Research Groups active in Astronomy and Space Sciences.

Teaching resources for children and teenagers
UNAWE methodology and resources to work with children in schools, based on the experiences conducted by Angela Pérez in Bogotá and other cities, to join efforts with UNAWE Venezuela and Chile and build a stronger network.
  •     Olympiads and Contests:
            - Regional, National and International Astronomy Olympics (i.e. Volos, Greece, in 2013)
        - Family, children and teenage involvement learning through games: Astronomy Family Marathons promoted through public institutions such as libraries and Education Ministries and Secretaries in the Node cities and regions.

Inclusion programs
New projects and teaching tools to facilitate access to hearing impaired and blind communities to astronomy and space sciences topics. Ex: Astronomy for the blind, special shows for Planetariums and puppet activities.

Interdisciplinary activities
Ethnic revisions to recover forgotten indigenous traditions through archeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy approaches. Ex: La Chakana in Chile, and Perú, special studies on Inca cosmovision conducted in Perú, Bolivia and Venezuela.

Task Force 3 (Astronomy for the Public)

  • To develop special shows to be projected at planetariums and science museums from the region, highlighting ancestral traditions from indigenous tribes and founding communities from South America. These shows would be shared between the Local and Regional Networks of Planetariums, such as “Asociación de Planetarios del Cono Sur”, and the growing “Red de Planetarios de Colombia”.
  • Support for participation in major public astronomy meetings at each country. (Stargazing events, star parties). Exchange of experiences in the implementation, financing and evaluation of results in conducting public events.
  • Constant interaction through the blog
  • Encuentro Regional Andino de Astronomía (to be decided where and when by the end of the year)
  • Astronomy Family Marathons promoted through public institutions such as libraries and Education Ministries and Secretaries in the Node cities and regions.
  • Celebrations. Participation and promotion of public events associated with astronomy global events. (Astronomy Day, Yuri's Night, Astronomers Without Borders, Space Week, Dark Sky Day, etc). Network connection in simultaneous events.
  • “Encuentro Regional Andino de Astronomía en Isla de Pascua" - 2015
           Continuation of the projects promoted for 2014 mentioned above.
  • Communicating Astronomy for the Public - IAU - Medellín - 2015.
       Support to the andean participation at the CAP 2015 Event to be held in Explora, Medellin. Attendance by representatives from each country to the CAP 2015.